By: buckaroobanzai10
05 Mar 2004, 03:23 PM EST
Msg. 141843 of 141854
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Did anyone notice the large increment of stock options held by the ADVR Board of Directors in comparing recent SEC filings? The following numbers come from Prospectus Reports filed with the SEC in December 2003 and February 2004, only two months apart.

From the 12/23/2003 Prospectus:
Wilner 21,562,500 shares
Seligman 6,450,000 shares
Walzer 5,078,800 shares
Van Sant 4,450,000 shares

From the 2/23/2004 Prospectus:
Wilner 31,510,000 shares (+9,947,500 shares)
Seligman 9,200,000 shares (+2,750,000 shares)
Walzer 8,228,800 shares (+3,150,000 shares)
Van Sant 9,200,000 (+4,750,000 shares)

Looks like these folks are into voting themselves more and more stock options at each Board meeting they attend.
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By: rickv
05 Mar 2004, 04:13 PM EST
Msg. 141854 of 141854
(This msg. is a reply to 141843 by buckaroobanzai10.)
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do you know what exercise price that are at? it will give us a clue as to what the stock will do... iip management gave them exercise price of 2.44 stock now trading at 1.94..... so you know at least 5+ is thier target

wonder what the crew at advr is... .125?