must be good news comming since the bashers are out very strong. Their
object is to cause panic selling to cover all their naked shorts. It is
starting wth the meeting with the new CEO this sunday. Although all
stockholders are invited, Sue refused to go with some lame excuse. My
guess is the next bit of news will be an article in the Jerusalem Post
on the observed results in their local hospital. That is due to be
followed by the report at the ASCO meeting in New Orleans. in early
June. Following that we are due to hear about the final results of the
testing sdone in Isreal. I would not be surprised if another important
thing happens in between these reports. GOOD REASON FOR THE NUMEROUS
MB,Yes I bet your RIGHT!!As I have ALWAYS STATED these BASHER-posters
for myself I try not to.News should be on the way!!I always like to read
your posts so please keep on posting!!.....Aven1 (Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy) |
ALL the way! The problem is that these bashers don;'t really read the
Corp. updates/or the News, OR even the Patents, which are SO IMPORTANT! Now, just watch what bashers respond soon. Thanks for your thoughts. Beats the Tom Foolery here! Luv
ALL the way! The problem is that these bashers don;'t really read the
Corp. updates/or the News, OR even the Patents, which are SO IMPORTANT! Now, just watch what bashers respond soon. Thanks for your thoughts. Beats the Tom Foolery here! Luv |
how you felt the need to include me in your comment concerning
"bashers". As far as MY lame excuse for NOT attending the
Florida meeting....let me reiterate my previous response to your post to
me stating I should attend, because I might learn something new. Get
this through your thick head.....I AM NOT INTERESTED IN LEARNING
ATTEND. And, I think your suggesting such....STINKS!!!!! Can you hear
me....NOW! |
we don't have a clue whether THIS Allen is THAT Allen. Someone posted that somewhere, and until it's verified we shouldn't assume that "Allen is in jail!!" You and I both know how easy it is to POST something, no matter how truthful it is. Now there IS an "ALLEN Z WOLFSON" in the fed pen, but we don't know WHO that is at all, do we?? As an aside, you should tell Bill B/mbengineer to mind his own business, insofar as we know the number of shares you own is considerable and you have stayed with this company since you owned those shares. Let him get his facts straight before he accuses folks up here of something he know absolutely squat about. |
don't agree with the way either you OR Barry handle yourselves here, but
you're correct insofar as Barry repeating this without verifying it -
and then telling us this is THE Allen is a few hairs short of slander. You'd have a lot more trustworthiness if you'd shut your trap a little about this back and forth stuff. Stick to your trading, which I have been told is working well for you. WHY waste your time here with this tit for tat you so obviously enjoy?? |
no one said insde info.. Rearranging existing info so that u might see
what is going on mght put u on a straight path... But I don't think u
want to be straight. U enjoy the company u keep. |
I never mentioned how many shares Sue owns. I don't know. I just read
what she says and understand the posts of her friends on this board that
she quotes. - - - - - |
FD requires full disclosure. She is not going to tell shareholders there
anything that she is not obligated to tell them in PR. It's a face show
for the retired founder. Are you posting to Bill Bregman? |
how many shares do you own? Are you Bill Bregman? - - - - - |
Sue has been here, a steadfast supporter of the company - that is until
some of us (including her) chose to take issue with the way management
runs itself on a stupid chat board such as this That is her right, I assume you agree, as a substantial stockholder - especially when management (even when YOU were on the BOD) chose to exclude shareholders the right of any legal feedback by NEVER scheduling a stockholders meeting. By doing this, you (and YOUR management team) give all those disgruntled shareholders the RIGHT to b_itch in public here. Hold a meeting and maybe folks will be more assuaged. By attacking your own shareholders HERE in public you do YOUR former company a disservice, SIR!! By the way, whilst you are criticizing honest shareholder, would you care to reveal in public WHO you are and WHY you are posting HERE in PUBLIC under a false name?? Come on, Bill, now that you chose to take sides here, let 'er rip!! - - - - - View Replies » |
reason for wanting "me" to attend the Florida meeting is
rather comical, to say the least; i.e. "Rearranging existing info so that u might see what is going on mght put u on a straight path" HELLO - I WANT A PR FROM THE COMPANY -- rearranging existing information -- so that ALL SHAREHOLDERS MAY BE PUT ON A STRAIGHT PATH. |