Some Worst Foods for Your Teeth
Sour Candy
Can't resist those SweeTarts and Sour Patch Kids? Try. In a study comparing regular chewy candy, hard candy, and licorice to their sour counterparts, sour varieties were significantly harder on tooth enamel. Candy manufacturers add more acids -- or different kinds of acid -- to sour candy varieties to give them that pucker factor. And it's those "tangy" acids that can create deep craters in your tooth enamel.
Sports Drinks
Hydration during exercise is important, but reconsider guzzling sports drinks unless you're a true endurance athlete. In a study comparing the erosive effects of five different beverages -- including juice and soda -- sports drinks did the most harm. Their high concentration of strong acids produced the deepest enamel damage in teeth.
Soft Drinks
Tooth enamel is
the hardest
substance in
your body, but
some foods may
be stronger.
Here are 7 that
can spoil your
Guess what?
Sugar isn't the
biggest culprit
when it comes to
a fizzy drink's
impact on teeth.
These beverages
-- diet or not
-- strip
minerals from
tooth enamel
because of their
high acid
content. We're
corrosive acids
like phosphoric,
malic, citric,
and tartaric.
And the flavor
of the fizz
matters. They
all have an
impact, but in a
study, clear,
bubbly beverages
dissolved enamel
two to five
times more than
colas did.
Energy Drinks
Need a liquid
pick-me-up? Skip
this tooth
stripper. In the
study comparing
five beverages,
energy drinks
were second
worst after
sports drinks --
mainly because
they had little
ability to
buffer the acids
in the beverage.
And drinks like
these are an
especially bad
idea for
adolescents and
young adults,
whose tooth
enamel is less
mature and more
Smile-Saving Habits
You can't
always avoid enamel-eroding foods, so use these
tips to minimize acid wear:
1. Avoid snacking in between meals to minimize
acid attacks.
2. Don't swish or hold acidic beverages in your
mouth. Sip them through a straw to reduce the
amount of time the acids come into contact with
your teeth.
3. Rinse your mouth with water or chew sugarless
gum after meals to help neutralize acid attacks.
4. Consume high-calcium milk or cheese before or
with meals to help reharden enamel. Eating foods
high in iron, such as liver or broccoli, may
help as well.
5. If you do consume acidic foods or beverages,
wait at least 30 minutes before brushing. This
gives softened enamel a chance to reharden, so
it's less prone to damage.
6. Brush with fluoride toothpaste to help
fortify enamel.
7. See your dentist for regular checkups and
scheduled cleanings to help prevent tooth decay.
Healthy tooth enamel means healthy teeth. And
enamel damage is irreversible. So take the time
to protect those pearly whites.